Lost Doctor Who episodes are ‘out there’ – but collectors refuse to share them
A good old fashioned Doctor Who Community
I don't think there are masses of episodes out there, but more than we would probably think there are.
I also don't think it is a refusal to share, I think it's morelike Uncle George had a couple cassettes stashed in his attic and it is just sitting in storage and no one even knows they're there.
@TheDoctorDonna @HipPriest There are *definitely* old episodes of British television being hoarded. I've never encountered anyone with Who episodes, but other things? Absolutely.
There are significant gaps that could be filled with what I've been told of, but it isn't things most people would be desperately looking for.
Old soap operas and comedy shows aren't going to get the same attention, so nobody really talks about what is out there. Mostly in poor quality to boot...
Sorry, I should have specified that I think they are more unknown than hoarded. I personally don't think that as many are being hoarded as we are lead to believe.