And really it's just saying it's tv without physical cables which arguably is still incorrect I guess if you consider internet cables
I don't. I consider it a series of tubes.
A cable is a tube but for electrons
Technically it's more like a Highway. The majority of the electrons are traveling on the outside
A highway is a tube but for cars
A car is a tube but for people
The tube people will destroy us all.
Except if you use optical fibre, in that case it's photons
Hold up, it’s not a big truck?
Woah, what year is it?
2006 baby
Ted, is that you?
And really it's just saying it's tv without physical cables which arguably is still incorrect I guess if you consider internet cables
I don't. I consider it a series of tubes.
A cable is a tube but for electrons
Technically it's more like a Highway. The majority of the electrons are traveling on the outside
A highway is a tube but for cars
A car is a tube but for people
The tube people will destroy us all.
Except if you use optical fibre, in that case it's photons
Hold up, it’s not a big truck?
Woah, what year is it?
2006 baby
Ted, is that you?