Groundbreaking barium titanate solar panels are 1000x more powerful than existing panels
everything about energy production
The press release is from 2021
Silence since then.
Link to the study:
Edit: I skimmed through the study and their premise is to combine 3 crystals and break the linearity of the cristals to get a better response and better responsivity over the whole bandwidth of the light spectrum. It seems to be stable at a wide range of temperatures.
Issue is, they broke (or combined ?) the cristals with a microscopic needle but that isn't feasible for mass adoption, so they speculate that some rust process might be the best approach to try.
I'm no scientist and it's likely very false what I stated, but I think the premise is that we need to find ways to create panels with broken up cristals to give them more power.
Thanks for catching that. Unfortunately seems fairly common with a lot of these projects for "new" technologies ,sometimes due to funding.