What is your experience with pkms?
A place for people to discuss Personal Knowledge Management Systems (PKMS) such as "Building a Second Brain" (BASB), Obsidian, and more.
I'm just curious at this point. I'd like to spin up a second brain but I've tried a few options - Zim, Obsidian, OneNote, text files synced with Dropbox, nothing seems to really stick for me.
What was your struggle with obsidian?
The biggest struggle with obsidian was how it seemed to try to subtly push me to link everything together. I have a very disorganised neurospicy mind and I was hoping to be able to offload the burden of organising stuff to a program on my computer, but I couldn't intuitively get to grips with how Obsidian could help me with that other than just pushing me to do it myself.