I mean, it was for tax evasion. Its not like she was a pedophile or serial killer or something.
Yeah, it isn't super clear just from headlines, but it is unlikely she will actually serve time in prison. She was given a suspended sentence. So, as long as she doesn't commit any similar offenses in the next three years, she will have been considered as having served her time without actually going to prison.
The end of the article mentions she'd paid the due taxes by now, despite that the beginning of the article makes it pretty clear she received ten months of prison sentence on top of a three years suspension.
And even if it was, that didn't stop the Ruroni Kenshin remake from going ahead. :S
Heck, I evaded taxes last year. I had multiple jobs and the stupidass temp agency wouldn't get my W2 to me and I just said fuck it. I probably didn't even make enough money to be required to pay.
TBF you probably didn't evade ¥47mil (€281k / $305k) in taxes over the span of three years
I wish I had that much taxes to pay!
Hah, you should have a median income in the Netherlands, then!
*cries in 49% wage tax*
Huh mangakas must be paid better than I thought.
No one wants to pay tax anyway
Ah. Tax evasion.
Japan is really harsh on that, to the point you seem to keep seeing people who suddenly have a spike in income fuck it up and get sentenced on technicalities.
Sorry for posting so much in this thread, but this is good news! Japanese businesses have completely disassociated themselves with an individual's works over prison sentences before, glad to see that this isn't the case here.
Nothing to be sorry about mate
I know someone like that, not filing taxes for 3 years... Only without the however hundred million yen income...
It was psychological. Fell behind one year because too busy with work, then feel guilty about the next year, then hey this not filing taxes makes life easier and saves a lot of time, then the nasty letters from the government started showing up.
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