There's possibly a real legal case to be had, here. (Serious)
I would pursue it, but I can't check the relevant laws, because Cloud flare doesn't believe I'm human ( far).
There's possibly a real legal case to be had, here. (Serious)
I would pursue it, but I can't check the relevant laws, because Cloud flare doesn't believe I'm human ( far).
Take a taxi to the public library and get a receipt for that. Look up the laws there. Add the taxi costs to the lawsuit. And when your case is hindered because the law you’re citing is outdated (because it’s from printed library books), then use that to bolster your case.
I’ve actually tried the library. IIRC the courthouse had a small public library just for law about the size of 2 or 3 office cubes. Finding law in hardcopy law books is very difficult for a non-lawyer. I don’t recall if I was looking for statutes or case law but it was a disaster. I could not find anything useful for what I was trying to research. I recall wondering if the relevant bits of law I was even in the library.
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