Modrinth just started their server network, it is very new, so I'm not quite sure on reliability. The company itself is open-source and seems quite good, they have made a great mod platform in recent years.
logicservers is what I use. Heard it from a Xisumavoid video. It's fine. But they use a super outdated version of a proprietary web ui to manage the minecraft server specifically. But it does work and they provide the files over FTP for editing configs, uploading mods, making backups etc.
Free and ad supported? Not sure I trust that, would be able to pay 10-15 a month to not be worried I was going to get hit with spyware or something. You've used this service though? High ping, unreliable or is it a pretty fluid experience? Surprised there is even a free option honestly.
Edit: a million daily players though... maybe I should give it a chance.
It's actually not that bad. Had a group of 10 or so streamers playing on the server pretty constantly for about 2-3 months, and I don't think anyone really complained about it.
When nobody is on it, they shut the server down.
When it's down and you want to log on, it boots you and tells you to wait for a min or two while they fire your server up, then you log back in again a little while later and it's up.
It's about the most dumb, dead-simple Minecraft hosting you can get.
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