You can watch more videos like this at 🙂
Just in case anyone reading this hasn't heard of it, you probably don't want to go there, unless you like naked old dudes
EDIT: I just took one for the team and visited it. Looks like it got turned into a regular porn site, no more old dude orgy. As much as I like hunting down old sites on the wayback machine, I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader if you're that interested.
Everyone in the office got emails with that link to the webpage. Internet Explorer 6 was still alive and happily ran that Javascript code, opening multiple small browser windows running the lemonparty video.
Each window you tried to close opened another 2 windows.
IE6 can stay in hell, but hell i miss that time. Google search was in the midst of getting pre-installed as the default search engine in browsers, preparing for the long con. My Gmail account was still fresh. The iPhone was still a couple of years away. StumbleApon was already stumbling a little.
Hot damn that's an old one.
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