"what's that old person smell... oh, hi grandma"
Remind her back in her day people got overly upset about black people using a "whites only' water fountain, or that people lost there minds about a black woman sitting on a bus...
Is this behavior just directed at you, or do you notice other people also get treated this way? Is this a recent development, or has she been this way a long time? Sometimes when folks get older, becoming more combative for no reason or losing a filter can be early signs of dementia. It may be worth bringing up to your parent(s) privately to let them know you're concerned about Grandma's behavior and if it could be a health issue. If it's a long time thing, especially one that's targeted at you, well, maybe that's time for a different conversation about why your Grandma has been picking on you so much.
Grandma is toxic. Gray rock her.
I understand the impulse but stoning her is likely going to cause more problems
I've found that just saying, "That's an interesting thing to say." and then moving on will confound them. And if they ask for further explanation give them the kindness, "I love you, Grandma." Sometimes it is best to just leave what they say to where and when they say it and move on.
From the outside it seems like she feels left out, left behind, and unhappy about not having someone to make do something. Maybe she has a need for her to validate other people to make her feel valued. And people fossilize. You won't get her to change her behavior at this point.
Just try not to subconsciously adopt that behavior. That happens.
That sounds like she's trying to mock you or manipulate you, so she can gossip about you. Maybe she has friends who think it's cool when one doesn't get along with younger people.
I think the way you react is already very good, but I imagine it's tiresome. Can't be helped tho. You never know when old folks will die, so you shouldn't avoid her alltogether, which is what I would suggest if she wasn't elderly. You can maybe limit the time you see her, but not the frequency, so when she dies you have recently seen her, which avoids one of the things ppl often regret.
A lot of old people just getting meaner with time. Mostly cuz they're bored I think.