This reminds me of the old how to shoot yourself in the foot joke for unix, except in this case...
rm -rf * woke
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This reminds me of the old how to shoot yourself in the foot joke for unix, except in this case...
rm -rf * woke
This seems like it makes sense on at least 2 levels, either because he's saying he at some point had the 'woke mind virus' and deleted it, or more likely he's saying this is what people need to do to 'free' themselves of the 'woke mind virus'.
You don't have to endorse it to understand it. I don't really understand Hazel's confusion.
The woke mind virus is coming from INSIDE the house
I think his school teachers, diagnosing him as retarded, were spot on.
He is just person born in rich family that used social media to create image of some kind of engineering genius, when his actual "skill" was to have money, push engineers to work hard and knowing how to get money from the government.
So saying he woke woke?
Saying there's a virus in his mind about everything being woke
Goddamnit that motherfucker is cringe. And stupid...
He's saying what everyone else already knows. He's infected and diseased
The woke mind virus is coming from inside the Musk!
"The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson: where woke_mind_virus lives in my brain. [Announcer: "woke_mind_virus deleted."] Goodbye, woke_mind_virus."