I think that you are being distracted.
Hey Elon, do something outrageous so these idiots are looking at you while I'm over here doing this other scary stuff.
Welcome to Progressive Politics! A place for news updates and political discussion from a left perspective. Conservatives and centrists are welcome just try and keep it civil :)
(Sidebar still a work in progress post recommendations if you have them such as reading lists)
I think that you are being distracted.
Hey Elon, do something outrageous so these idiots are looking at you while I'm over here doing this other scary stuff.
And I think you're being fooled if you genuinely believe the orange man is the one pulling the strings, and not literally the richest man on the planet.
Because there's just enough "plausible deniability" that they could face costly legal challenges by oligarchs who have endless money to throw at bogus claims
Same reason they reported everything Harris did as some wild mistake or deeply questionable, and reported every insane thing Trump said like it was just a well meaning elder statesmen making open ended questions to contemplate.
Large Media is part of the same game, they're basically placing stock options bets on the economy and national / unrest to profit as long as they can until the shooting and looting starts
The media is inherently fascist. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers control the narrative of the legacy media outlets they all own and they own our politicians and political process as well. They just keep lying to all of us and since all the maga morons are dumb enough to believe whatever they are told they just hope the rest of us will bend over and accept they are right. they’ve waged aggressive psychological warfare against the us population for decades. Its created a subsection of the population dumb enough to unquestioningly believe whatever musk and trump say so much so that it if they came home to find both musk and trump raw dog tag teaming their wives they would without question accept it as 100% truth when they are told the cum dripping from their wive’s oral vaginal and anal openings is just a little rain from the open window. While pointing to a closed window nowhere near the marital bed they just defiled in the middle of a sunny day during a July drought and heat wave
The media needs the government to cooperate if they want to get any info from them. As it is, they didn't HAVE to tell us much, but choose to. If might not even occur to some of them not to. It makes the medias' job easier that way. Otherwise they'd have to REALLY hound the administration, or start putting out way more negative stories. So they play nice and the government plays nice. If the government decides if hates you, they'll blacklist you and your boss will have to send somebody else. IIRC the Cheeto in Chief did that last time. And since the media is privately owned and Regan's evil bitch ass killed the fair reporting laws back in the 80s, here we are.