Blaine deck really did work for me. I don’t have any tools yet, but I think a rocky helmet or cape would help over an X Speed.
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I've never even used the Blaine deck lol. The new cards are cool but none of them feel mandatory compared to the older ones. I still think there are a lot more viable options for decks in this xpac.
It’s a solid Stage 1 deck that can do consistent 90 damage (120 with Blaine) using Ninetales.
Or do 70-130 damage with Mythical Rapidash and Blaine.
Ponyta > Rapidash + Blaine can easily knock out most EXs in two or three turns.
+1 for Blaine deck. It's the one I use for doing anything serious (like getting emblems), although that might also be because I don't have two copies of enough cards to build many other meta decks. I've switched one of the Sabrinas for a Cyrus, and there a couple of tools I would like to include, but I'm not really sure what I could drop - might just have to try things out.
I find the Potions and X Speeds not super useful. They have such a low retreat cost it doesn’t USUALLY need an X Speed.
Potions are the same. They aren’t bulky enough for potions in my experience playing it against the computer.
I don't use potions, anyway. But the big cape is like a better potion, so it could be useful. X speeds sometimes end up unused, but they can also sometimes be vital. One of the most interesting this with the new cards is that it gives you so many options with supporters and items, but with only 20 cards in a deck, you have to make a choice which to include