In 1940 the city sought the advice of several experts to settle once and for all the fate of the subway. The report recommended placing all streetcar and trolley transportation underground (i.e., a subway), but Cincinnati already had too many other expensive public projects underway. In any case, the plan was put on hold yet again when the United States entered World War II in 1941.[23]
this post was submitted on 12 Feb 2025
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Reminds me of fallout 3. And 4
All of Cincinnati reminds me of fallout, from the tunnels to the plants just encroaching on the bad parts of town
Really good The Proper People episode where they explored this system. If you’re into Urbex I highly recommend.
Don't be a Larry - post a link, my man!
I didn’t want to get yelled at because I haven’t figured out how to use the fancy anti YT things yet. But here ya go:
I was able to get inside a couple times! Really cool grafitti down their. RN I believe it's being used for shelter by some homeless people.