Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends
John 15:13
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Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends
John 15:13
Wouldn't it be awesome if he or his attorney quotes this on the stand?
Does try saving the country count as well? I mean, I don’t consider the country as saved now…
Only one little parasite less.
"Do or Do Not, there is no Try."
-Darth Yoda
Reaching any destination involves taking hundreds or thousands of steps toward it. Each step is only 'trying to reach the destination', but if you consistently place the steps in the right direction, you end up reaching the destination.
Sure, but it is hard to argue which actions are done trying saving a country 😄
But why? He didn't do it.
ThAtS dIfFeRrenT
That was nearly my first thought when I read that quote. Only I pictured someone using it to remove the person who said it. To clearly save the country.
It's true. He didn't
He saved millions in waste.
I look at this picture and I see no criminal
More directly, the guy who took a shot at Trump should get a posthumous pardon. If all it takes for something to be legal is for you to think you're saving the country, then trying to kill the president isn't a crime.
Someone deserves a pardon then!
That's going to make a great t-shirt.
Can someone point me to the facts of this case please? Did anyone read the actual reasons why his claim was refused? What other people are dying? Links? Do you know of anyone who was refused a life saving claim? Has anyone here been refused a claim? ty
Edit: LOL at all the links that were posted to defend this killer. You guys get too much of your news from FB, X and any other source that do not fact check. LM will end up as an insignificant murderer who will die in prison. I hope he gets the care he needs while incarcerated, no insurance there for him. LOL