Newbie here, I too would like to know more about resolution, compression etc. I found this: , but it doesn't answer some specific questions I have.
When does change (compress, resize, change file format etc) an uploaded file?
Is there any way to keep certain files in original format/resolution?
- I've shared a few screenshots in PNG format, which got recompressed as blurry JPGs. E.g. 66kb PNG to 33KB JPG. I had already cropped or resized the images to reduce file size but they got recompressed anyway.
I uploaded a smaller video (1.2MB MP4) that does not seem to have been recompressed. What about larger video files?
- I have a 10MB MP4 video that I'd like to upload. In this case, I might actually like some recompression; I tried doing it myself with a couple of onine services and then Handbrake, but I only ended up with larger file sizes.