Can someone please give me the TL;DR for PSL? Are they a cult like the Avakian people?
Rules TBD.
They are a socialist party trying to bring about socialism in the USA.
Any idea what their stance is on the russia/ukraine war?
It appears they don't exactly condone Russia, but blame NATO for it. Kinda disappointing. I think they're the 2nd largest socialist org in the US.
To be clear, the stance of Marxists in general is that if NATO didn't exist, the conditions for the war would not exist either. You likely aren't going to find many Marxist-aligned orgs that are pro-NATO.
I'm not trying to argue, just to understand -
Are they just mad that NATO thwarted the USSR? Have they not realized that Russia is a fascist/capitalist regime today?
NATO is a millitary alliance of the most Imperialist countries on the planet, and protects that Empire, exerting pressure on other countries. It has nothing to do with "being mad that NATO thwarted the USSR." Of course Marxists realize that Russia is Capitalist today, Marxists understand that better than anyone else. It would obviously be much better for everyone had the USSR not dissolved, but we don't live in that timeline, sadly.
Ah, yeah that seems logical, the link is after all ...
Such a shame, them sucking up to a dictator, how is it that it always ends up like that?
PSL is taking the standard Marxist stance on NATO, in that it is a millitary alliance of Imperialists that puts pressure on enemies of its members to intimidate into concessions. It isn't about appealing to Putin, there's nothing to gain from that.
Dude if you want to be a socialist you cant be pro nato as well. Nato's entire raison d'être is to protect capitalism.
Also worth remembering that Lenin wanted Russia to lose ww1 (ie lose to a literal dictator) - having a critical stance against the military activities of your own government is not sucking up to a dictator which your own capitalist government has decided to make an enemy
PSL are Marxist-Leninists. AFAIK, they are legit, but I'm more of an anarchist.
If we want to be annoyingly accurate, they are technically Marcyist, but overall are pretty much ML.