Where is the picture from? It's incredibly funny
In Person Activism
"Power wants your body softening in your chair and your emotions dissipating on the screen. Get outside. Put your body in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. Make new friends and march with them." -Tim Snyder
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It's from French protest against the labor law reform 8 years ago. The photographer is Stephane Mahe
One thing to know is that in France the police are using tear gas grenades but also "sting ball grenades" (Grenade de désencerclement). These grenades are explosive grenades with hard rubber balls in it.
They can kill you, cause serious injuries and will blow off you hand of you grab them.
This is why grabbing a grenade can be extremely dangerous and using tennis racquets is a way to mitigate a bit these risks.
What is the significance of using expired canisters?
I googled that for you:
This is speculative and not known for certain.
Interesting! Thank you. The potentially clogged outlets comment have me the heebygeebies. Rapid gas production in a sealed container is effectively a grenade.
Tear gas cannisters are why during the 2019 protest in Hong Kong some people had gloves that could handle them. Probably better to have something besides your hands to get rid of cannisters, though, for safety reasons.
I've heard a lacrosse stick works great