Groups are weird. They dont work how you might think. Usually theres groups within groups, and overlap between them.
When a group outing is planned there will typically be an initiating party. Be that 1 or 2 people. This person comes up with the idea, and then invites people to do the thing together.
The initiatior will typically have 2 pools of people they know to pull from. Pool 1 is people they know super well that theyd invite to anything, and Pool 2 is people that they think would be a good addition to this specific activity for whatever reason. that they might not know as well.
After the first wave of invites there will be secondary invites as the people who got invited invite more people along. Not always but usually. The 2nd wave is typically like significant others, siblings, very close people.
If you are on the outside and want to get into a group you have 2 potential methods to pursue. You can find out who typically plans things and let them know hey if you guys are doing X activity id like to come. Then when they plan X activity theyll hopefully remember and invite you. This wont work all the time, people forget, or just dont feel like inviting more people, etc. But it can work if youre patient. Then the more times you go along you can slowly join pool 1 as you get closer to people.
Method 2 is to get in via the secondary wave of invites. Typically the easiest way, you just need to find a member of the group youd like to date, but if that relationship ever falls apart you risk being ousted from the group too. Plus its a bigger commitment.
The best way to meet new people is usally through people you already know via a secondary invite, or through things that force cooperation, and you do a lot. This is why a lot of people make friends in places like school or work. Stuff like this takes time and patience. You cant expect someone to meet you and feel comfortable inviting you to stuff right away.
Trying to force it too quickly can make people feel weirded out too. Like you just meet someone, they seem cool, but then suddenly theyre asking to come to your poker nights with your close friends every time they happen. Some stuff is just more exclusive to people they've known longer.
In general as an adult to meet people outside work my advice is to do an activity alone. A hobby, volunteer thing, whatever. Keep doing it over and over, and there will be a few people who you see a lot, and become friendly with. This also garuntees you have something in common.