[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 4 months ago

You can democratically elect a party that will impose a 99% corporate profit tax rate.

Please, enlighten us and show where that was done. If it was never done, then no, you can't.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The article was written by Timofei Sergeitsev, a Russian "philosopher" with no direct link to the government. The article in the website you linked was written in early April 2022, very early after the war, when no one knew what to expect. It was claimed it was "proof" the Russians was intending to genocide Ukrainians.

More than a year later, have we seen anything like it? Have we seen active actions from the Russians to consistently destroy civilian buildings and systematically cause civilian casualties on purpose? I at least haven't, unless we are talking about a completely different war which I'm not aware. I don't excuse the Russians of anything, I'm sticking with the facts. The Russians have been very careful not to cause non-military casualties, which is extremely odd for a genocidal regime.

So, in short, it's your article written by a guy with no links to the government vs. what the actual war itself shows in practice. I prefer to see what practice shows us.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 10 months ago

Yes, Marxism is based on a scientific methodology called historical materialism. It's too complex to be explained in a single comment, but it has an internal logic and methodology which proposes to analyze social systems in general, but especially capitalist societies in particular.

You can't use the scientific method used in the natural sciences because you can't put a society in a lab to study it. Social sciences require a methodology apart from the natural sciences, and Marxism has proposed historical materialism, which is very consistent and coherent approach, based on the Hegelian dialectical logic with materialism as a principle.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

How ironic! Let's see if it fits for the "genocide" position:

  • Closed Ideological Systems: Whether those who defend the idea of "genocide" in Xinjiang are aware or not, the sources used to claim there is a genocide in Xinjiang is usually Adrian Zenz, a German white supremacist and Christian fundamentalist who claimed in his book Worthy to Escape that "other belief systems are ultimately inspired by Satan” and justifies “eternal punishment" for those who refuse to believe in Jesus.

  • Immunity to Facts: Every time one tries to argue that Xinjiang faced a policy of de-radicalization of terrorists who led many attacks against the province, those who claim there is a genocide there say they are "genocide deniers." I've even seen people saying those who don't agree with the "genocide" position are paid by the Chinese.

  • Enemy Construction: I can't even count the number of times people have called those who don't promote the "genocide" propaganda "tankies" and dismissing them instead of engaging with arguments.

  • Adaptability: The "genocide" propaganda claims there is a genocide there, and then when presented with the fact that even those who were put in the re-education facilities were allowed to express their culture with dances and art on video, the "genocide" conspiracy theorists say that it was a fake, an act, that it was a spectacle organized by the Chinese to hide the genocide. Just to give you an example.

It does match the "genocide" position very well. I've yet to see a genocide which preserves the language, the culture, the customs and the places of worship of a people. Another thing, notice the reaction of Muslim countries to the actual genocide being perpetrated by Israel. They are firmly condemning it through all channels. In contrast, the policies of de-radicalization by the Chinese were unanimously well-received by Muslim countries.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 10 months ago

The West ≠ Western citizens

North Atlantic imperialist countries is what we refer as "the West". They have shared interests and in terms of foreign policy act almost in unison, so much so that a single term to describe North American and Western European countries is not a generalization, it's quite appropriate actually.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 10 months ago

Israel has killed more civilians (mostly children and women) in a month of war than Russia has killed in almost two years. The Russians actually target almost exclusively military infrastructure, they have preserved electrical grids, water stations, communications infrastructure, etc.. Not because they are "good guys", obviously, but it's a part of their strategy. But it shows genocide is not a part of this strategy.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 10 months ago

Oops, my bad. Corrected it

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 10 months ago

tankies are not bastions of logical and rational thought

Apparently you aren't either, since you mindlessly use the term "tankie" when it doesn't mean anything. You've been conditioned to have an aversion to "tankies" when you aren't even able to accurately represent what this group defends, I'm sure.

When you're ready to think for yourself or if you feel like a "bastion of logical and rational thought", try to engage with us on Lemmygrad and see if you can point out the flaws of our "irrational and illogical" views. I'm pretty sure you'd be easily crushed in any debate. 😉

We communists base our views on facts, on historical phenomena, not our feelings or wants.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 26 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I don't think you even know what "totalitarianism" is. You know why? Because that term doesn't mean anything. It was popularized by Hannah Arendt, an academic author indirectly associated with the CIA (as thoroughly discussed by Frances Stonor Saunders in her book The Cultural Cold War). The term was used in the context of the Cold War to promote the idea that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were the same thing or very similar. It served the interests of the US and Western European countries.

Now to call our userbase racist, I would expect at least further explanation. We have very strict moderation, and racist garbage is severely dealt with. So if you seen someone being racist in Lemmygrad, please let me know. I'm an admin there, and we could quickly resolve this. If you haven't, then you should quietly think with yourself why you are lying to others here. You hate us based on a lie?

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 26 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

their users deny genocides

If you are referring to the Xinjiang issue, then it just reaffirms what @davel@lemmy.ml just said:

it’s largely because the Anglosphere has been indoctrinated against real, actual socialism their entire lives

Because the "Uyghur genocide" in Xinjiang is another example of propaganda. Or do you really think the West cares about Muslims and want to protect their "freedom"?

call everyone that has a less extreme left opinion of politics Nazis

I don't see anyone in Lemmygrad calling other people "Nazis" because they disagree with someone in a discussion. I usually see them criticizing others as "liberals." This is either a misrepresentation of leftists in general, very common among conservatives, or you are frequently being called a Nazi. I don't know, maybe that's on you? 🤔

end up being so “anti-racism” that they’re racists themselves and take all critics as personal attacks

That's so specific you should give at least one example of this. We have very strict moderation against any bigotry, so I challenge you to link any "racist" attitude or comment you have seen in Lemmygrad. I will give you 24 hours, and if you don't reply with an example, I will edit this comment saying you chickened out.

EDIT: They chickened out, as expected.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 37 points 10 months ago

I did not expect Xi to make such a statement.

Well... I don't know what you expect of the Chinese leadership, but their foreign policy is very pragmatic, and sometimes, like in these cases, very conservative and not progressive at all. They want to avoid conflicts at all costs, even if it means sacrificing a more revolutionary, socialist stance on international issues.

And although we may disagree with the position of the Chinese leadership on this issue, a socialist country in our time has no other option except having a relationship with dozens of capitalist countries all over the world. To have a more firm political stance on an international issue could send a bad message for the majority of capitalist countries which want to continue pursuing their short-sighted interests which causes political issues (aka the vast majority of capitalist countries).

If China interferes politically and diplomatically on an international issue, capitalist countries could wonder if they would get the same treatment under their own political issues, thus hurting international business, which is the blood of the Chinese economy.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 11 months ago

It can come from various sources. The Party asks for contributions from all members, and a part of the collective funds can be directed towards supporting a few professional revolutionaries. There were other ways the Party could gather funds for that, even bank robbing like Stalin famously did. But a Party can sell stuff, organize raffles, etc., I see this as the main basis behind supporting professional revolutionaries.

Lenin had a few "gigs" to earn money. After he received his law diploma, he practiced law in Samara Regional Court for a while, but he also gave private lessons to people. He advertised this work in newspapers at the time.

In principle, a professional revolutionary doesn't need money at all. They only need a place to live and food. Party members could have spare rooms in their houses which any professional revolutionary could stay for a while, meanwhile their food is guaranteed by any peasant, cook, etc. from the party willing to share and prepare food. You could have professional revolutionaries solely dependent on class solidarity, money doesn't necessarily have to be a concern when your party is organized enough.

Psy op-ed (lemmygrad.ml)
Alcohol-driven rant (lemmygrad.ml)

It's not a rant. I'm fucking drunk and I just wanted to say I fucking love you, comrades. The more I live, the more I realize we're on the right path towards our full human potential

Let us embrace our spirit. Long live socialism, also read Lenin. It's too good 😍😍😭😭😭

lmao ok (lemmygrad.ml)
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