"unnecessary taxi rides"? Who the fuck is like "omg hashtag bored let's get an uber to the park hashtag nature"?
Late Stage Capitalism
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Any ride that does not result in you producing value for the shareholders is unnecessary.
Maybe getting under the influence and then needing a taxi? In which case it's unnecessary because you could just stay sober and drive home.
Watered bottle??
Empty bottles have less calories 🧐
Consume the empty, only then you shall be rich.
Eating out daily
Eating out six days a week
Eating out five days a week
this isn't an either-or case. if anything, capitalists would want you to engage in those sixteen listed behaviours.
i think billionaires have the same mental illness which hoarders suffer from but even i agree that at least thirteen icons of those sixteen listed are wholly unnecessary to live a fulfilling life.
Yeah, absolutely, they want us poor, so they set it up that way. Also, what three, cause I only see one necessary one? (Not counting the ones that say "Overpriced/unnecessary" as eliminating the good/service altogether.) Its video games BTW, and they will not, I repeat, not make you poor. Generally they are a very good allocation of entertainment money in both hours and fun per dollar.
Also, what three
two for sure: video games and forgetting to look for discounts.
the third one--which is more of i don't know precisely what it says rather than it getting a hard pass--is the "buying ... (clot)hes" which is mostly hidden behind the right edge of the big fat "capitalism" sign.
Yeah, I get that. Its probably buying too many clothes. But, like the mindset of this thing is pretty bad, these things are unnecessary, but only bc a bunch have unnecessary in the name.
Ah yes. The illusion of freedom.
Freedom to operate within the bounds set by capitalists.
says the one who capitalizes every word. ~~Hypocritical~~ hypocritical
Buying lottery tickets doesn't make you poor, it just means you're naïve or ignorant of mathematical odds and probability.
The stress of being poor leads to bad choices, and lotteries give a false sense of hope.
Hope, in reality, is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.
Friedrich Nietzsche