So I had a very old synology 4bay I retired, I was only using it as storage, no apps on it. I bought the Unifi NAS, I have 7x 18TB in RAID-6, connected via 10gbe, to my switch, I also just built a server/desktop , core i7 ultra, 64gb ram, 2TB NVME, 10gbe network card. I installed windows 11 on it for now, I have plex server setup, sonarr, Radarr, I download everything to the computers 2TB drive and then it moves it to the nas. I was thinking of moving to either Proxmox or UnRAID, I don't mind the $250 if need be. I want to run some apps that require linux, so I would need to install WSL/Docker on this windows 11 pc, will plex iGPU transcoding work in either proxmox or unraid?
Originally posted by u/Usearr on
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