Excellent albums! Evanescence brings me so back
CD Collectors
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That album is such a banger, too. Almost every track is awesome.
Many many many years ago, late one night, me and my friend put his brand new cassette tape of Number of the Beast in to his Sanyo Ghettoblaster.
Suddenly there was a power cut and everything in the whole town went dead.
Through the darkness we heard: “Woe to you, oh earth and sea, because the devil sends the beast with wrath…”
The batteries had kicked in...
Most dramatic first listen of any album I’ve ever experienced.
Woooooow. That sounds so epic!
Now you gotta get one of those CD carrying cases and flip through it before you start driving.
😄 Generally I use a DAP in the car of course... With a backup mix CD for those days when stuff goes sideways.