Why not sitting out matters.
Make Votes Matter
Make Votes Matter is a political pressure group based in the United Kingdom which campaigns for replacing the archaic first-past-the-post voting system with one of proportional representation for elections to the British House of Commons. The group was founded in 2015.
Implicit in the act of voting is the giving of consent. If you don't consent to a choice between red tory v blue tory then you can't vote.
In the US, if you voted for the Democrats, you voted for a party that were willingly complicit in creating the explicit oligarchy we all now see.
For the record the 'if you don't vote you don't have a right to complain', big lie is almost as bad as Thatcher's 'trickle down economy' big lie. If you voted, you exercised your democratic rights and implicitly accepted the choice and potential outcomes, then you don't have the right to complain.
It didn't stop people complaining for years about brexit, but there you go. Most people aren't really ready to look at the neo-liberal EU in anything like an objective manner. They've read too much billionaire owned news media and watched too much BBC.
You might say I forgot the liberal democrats. When they got into coalition government in 2010 they immediately the dropped proportional representation they campaigned on, along with their tuition fees pledges and anything else. They showed themselves to be complete liars, and, in fact, yellow Tories.