"Stranded" 😒
A community for some conservative points of view.
Please be respectful, even if you don't agree.
What would you call it? They couldn't leave. They were supposed to only be there for 8 days.
This was a running narrative pushed by pro-Musk media, everyone associated with spaceflight has been online the whole time going "uh dudes it's cool we know how launch windows work, things take time, folks are working on it"
Literally a symptom of the disinformation bubble you're living in
I like Musk and Trump. So this is awesome.
Yet you liked Stein before the election. Why the change of support?
Yet you liked Stein before the election.
What?! I wasn't posting before the election. What are you talking about?
I don't work. Not sure about the other people you all are talking about though.
Right?! Also, why would someone's duties at a place of work be posting stuff on Lemmy. You realize hardly anyone's heard of Lemmy right?
How much would someone get paid for posting on Lemmy? lmao
LMAO And how much would I get paid to do that? How much does posting to Lemmy pay these days?
not that much.
You don't have an amount, because there is no amount. It doesn't pay. And like you said: youtube and short vids are the money makers.
I'm not on youtube. This isn't youtube. And your accusations are false, as you have just proven.
This again? Seriously? You need to give up your obsession with Monk.
Why would I be banned from Lemmy? And how would that even happen?! The fediverse is designed to not let things like that happen.
Please show me one post or comment that I've made that is bannable. What is going on with your posts? Are you ok?
is SO fucking entertaining.
You must think it's entertaining in order for you to be so obsessed about him.
I guess you failed in your attempt at getting rid of him though. Because beside the fact that he's actually still on Lemmy, and he still posts, you now see him in everyone.
Watching you have a meltdown and accuse everyone of being UM is the entertainment.
You couldn't even get rid of him, now you think you are gonna get rid of all the people who you falsely accuse of being him?! lmao
He's still on Lemmy. He's still posting. Looks like you didn't even slow him down by the looks of things.
But I'm not him. You keep your conspiracy going all you want, but it's weird and stalker-y.
Oh and again, what is the conspiracy. You still haven't told me. What is the big bad Universal Monk plan? What's the goal of everyone who you think is plotting against you? I gotta hear this!
All one needs to do is check Universal Monk’s comment history.
Which is seems like you do every day because you are obsessed with him. I have no desire to, because I'm not obsessed with him.
Especially when you read through some of the discussions where your shit is called out, right chum?
Such as?
You aren’t even close to being clever enough to hide. You have tells. Obvious ones. And I’m logging every single one of them.
I bet you are. Because you're obsessed. So how's that working out for you. When are you gonna do this big reveal? I'll tell you when. Never. Because there is no big reveal. You have no proof because there is no proof. I'm not him (or her).
Feel free to keep logging all of your imaginary information though. But none of it's real. It's all in your paranoid delusion. If you have so much proof, why wait? Why not just reveal? Why hold out and work yourself into a frenzy?
Not only that, but why don't you just talk to Universal Monk instead of me? He still posts, so go bother him if you are so obsessed with him. I have nothing to do with him. Or did he block you for stalking?
You've already had other communities remove your comments of your false accusations. Keep it up and I'll report you too.
At this point, you’re FAR too entrenched in it to turn back now.
Entrenched in what? Your fantasy? The fantasy that has nothing to do with me.
but if you admit to the pathetic bullshit you’re pulling here, we both know how quickly your little game here will end.
But you just said you had all that proof. Couldn't you just end the "little game" that you think is going on? I'll tell you why. Because you don't have proof. There is no proof. Because nothing you are saying is based on reality. Because I'm not Universal Monk.
And again, you didn't even get rid of Universal Monk!!! lololol He's still around. So go post and argue with him. I have nothing to do with him. lmao
Well, what's it feel like to look in the mirror and see a chump every morning?
I don't know.
Yeah. You do.
No. I don't.
Please be civil so we can keep Lemmy great.
You’ve no place bringing up civility when you are using alts to post in instances you were banned from, Monk.
I'm not banned from here and I'm not Monk. You're obsessed with that theory. lol
If you want to keep lemmy great, maybe stay out of places you’ve been asked not to come back to.
I've never been asked not to come back.
And if you want to make a big deal of this, maybe the admins might want to look deeper into who you are and what you’re doing here.
So exactly what is you think I'm "doing here"? Please tell me what you think this grand conspiracy is. And yeah, let the admins go as deep as they want. Your baseless accusations have already been removed from other communities.
What is this grand conspiracy that you think is going on?
I just looked and Monk actually has a username on this instance, so he isn't even banned on this instance!! So what are you even talking about ban evasion here?! He hasn't been banned. And I haven't either.
You keep acting like the guy is gone or something. He (or she) still posts everywhere.
I don't know anything about him, other than the fact that you keep calling me him.
Also, I have never done anything bannable.
Please tell me what I have posted or commented that is bannable.
Your false accusation and obsession is bordering on being unhealthy. Just block Monk if you hate him so much. Or block me if you think I'm him or whatever your conspiracy thing is. It's weird.
You’re banned from lemmy.world and you have posted there from both of your alts accounts.
But I'm not banned from lemmy.world at all. In fact I've posted there just now. What are you even talking about?
So don’t talk shit about making lemmy better when you’re here doing everting you can to fuck with the people that use it.
How am I fucking with people that use it? I don't even know what you mean. How is me posting, fucking with people that use it?
Show me any article or comment that I've posted, that's bannable.
What? I'm not banned from lemmy.world at all. I just posted there. What are you even talking about?
What? I’m not banned from lemmy.world at all. I just posted there.
There is no "suprised denial" because I'm not banned from there. I just posted several things to .world communities.
The only lies being told are the ones you are telling and your imaginary conspiracies.
the astronauts themselves stated they arent stranded.
"We come prepared, we come committed. That is what your human spaceflight program is: It prepares for any and all contingencies that we can conceive of, and we prepare for those," Wilmore told Cooper. "We don't feel abandoned. We don't feel stuck. We don't feel stranded." In fact, Wilmore pointed out, all the astronauts aboard the ISS are capable of returning to Earth immediately, in the event of an emergency. "We would never expect to come back, just special for us or anyone, unless it was a medical issue or something really, really out of the [normal] circumstances," he said. "Help us change the rhetoric," Wilmore asked Cooper. "Let's change it to 'prepared and committed.'"
Fair enough. Let's just say they had to wait way longer than anticipated for the preferred way back to earth.
And I'd say that counts as stranded. I didn't write the headline though, so...