The guy running a government office of accountability. It has never been about accountability.
Like the sentiment against this company was already in the pits, $1.4b unaccounted for is terrifying if you're a shareholder. I can't believe more people aren't dumping this stock as quick as possible.
I'd be checking X's books for the other end of those discrepancies...
Isn't this type of whoopsie accounting what got Trump et al in trouble? Overvalued assets in loan applications paired with serious asset value losses/undervaluing in tax filings? Or is it worse than that?
OK, but Wirecard was a Russian spy ops, and Elmo would never... Huh...
Remember project 42 where Elon had Tesla building a house for him, and it only got noticed due to the extremely large orders of premium glass?
I’m going to guess that wasn’t the only such project…
Wasted, abuser, fraudster.