Hey friend. I know that things feel very big and overwhelming. Is there someone local that you can ask to help navigate this with you? I mean both local to where you are now and where your stuff is. Local to you can help with what you yourself are feeling and doing and local to your stuff to potentially halp on that end?
this post was submitted on 20 Mar 2025
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Curation Policy: If a moderator has reason to believe that certain content is better categorized under a different post, then they may reply to the content asking if it would be better categorized elsewhere, and provide their rationale.
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- Rule of 3: Mod must attempt 3 replies, spaced by (at least) 3 days after each reply.
- If there is still no reply 3 days after the 3rd contact, then it is assumed that OP is in agreement, and the mod may curate by copying the content to a different post verbatim, then deleting the original content.
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