Japanese particles.
I had thought about learning some Japanese but after seeing this, I'm doubting I could.
Spoken Japanese is not insanely difficult for English speakers, although it is more difficult than Romance languages.
If you try to learn to read and write, you're in for a world of pain. Probably 3 years of working on it several hours a day. In fact, even Japanese people are losing the ability to write by hand, because it's easier to type in the phonetic words and have the computer figure out which characters to use.
How the fuck did I learn Mandarin but this confusing the fuck out of me.
Mandarin has the same subject-verb-object as English, generally
I'm now convinced the Pacific makes you speak backwards.
By bad dubs of Japanese samurai movies, based on deliberately Yoda's idiosyncratic speech pattern was.
It would be better to have a layer in between. That layer would consist of concepts.
E. g. "I" <-> self-reference & object <-> "watashi"
or "I" <-> self-reference & subject <-> "watashi wa".
That's how translation software often works.
So when do I get a UT?