I'm not familiar with that OS in particular, but yes, IPTables can restrict egress to certain IP space very simply.
I'm not familiar with that OS in particular, but yes, IPTables can restrict egress to certain IP space very simply.
It's like openwrt or freshtomato firmware but specifically for asus routers. Do you happen to know how to do this? I've tried normal rules, but that seems to only apply the router itself rather than the network traffic routing through it.
Ah. I'm not sure on that specific setup sorry, but sounds like you may need to check what chains already exist and see if there are ones for the right network interfaces. I'm familiar with IPTables itself only, not the Asus openwrt!
If there's no (usable) iptable option you can always just route the IPs/subets to a non existing gateway.
I use pihole to accomplish this.