It's just standard China-bad propaganda. In fact it's the oldest kind. Christians love persecution narratives. I can remember being a young child in church and the adults talking about the evil Chinese communists persecuting Chinese Christians and how sad that was and how evil it made them, how oppressive they were for not allowing these western aligned, western thinking, counter-revolutionary, reactionary, backwards forces to operate hand-in-hand with western religious-social ideology instead of putting a stop to what was in fact a modern invasion of China. Christianity was introduced by gun-boat by western nations. Say what you will of Islam, there have been ethnic groups with ties to Islam in China for 500+ years, but before 1800 no meaningful Christian presence.
If the Chinese authorities are persecuting him you know what I have to say to that? Good.
Christian missionaries all deserve Sentinel Island treatment. Wherever there were colonizers they were a step ahead of or just behind them.
Anyways if he hates his people and their culture so much he should go live in burger-land. He has that right as he married an American but he'd rather try and spread his nonsense in a socialist country to destroy its culture and disobey its laws because he thinks he has that right under divine authority and in response to that behavior they have given him the cold shoulder. He should take a hint.