Why?!? This is like asking the courts to pardon Weinstein! The answer should be no and no petition should sway that
What the fuck were the people signing it thinking, creepy shithole Hollywood is
100% I want to see the names, so they can be shamed for this!!
The op put a link there to imdb with everyone, but from the wiki page: petition was signed by many prominent individuals in the film industry including Guillermo del Toro, Martin Scorsese, Sam Mendes, David Lynch, Wes Anderson, Michael Mann, Woody Allen, Darren Aronofsky, Harrison Ford, Jeremy Irons, and Wong Kar-wai. Several signatories, including Emma Thompson and Natalie Portman, later retracted their names from the petition or expressed regret over signing it.
Surprised by a couple of them
Damn they even got Woody Allen? And he seemed like such a nice man. The kind of man youd want fathering your daughter.
Natalie Portman and Emma Thompson, makes me sooo sad to see that!
Unsurprisingly Weinstein, as well as Woody Allen (and I can't be bothered to search through the list, but I'm sure at least a couple of others with at least accusations to their name) signed it.
When those are the people standing by you, it might be better to just sit down.
Disappointing, but not surprising
I just put eyedrops in my eyes and thought the thumbnail was Todd Howard, lol.
Not endorsing, just reporting. The reason is likely that the man apologized and made peace with the victim decades ago, and they (like the victim) are also of the opinion that Polanski was set up by a crooked judge who was going to exploit the situation and really ruin Polanski's life with a last minute extreme punishment for a bit of fame; that Polanski left the country not to evade the accusation, but rather the life-ending punishment he heard the judge had in store for him, and that spending half his life in exile is a kind of 'time served' for a guy who, again, has since made amends for his crime with the person who was the victim of that crime. Essentially, these Hollywood people are saying, he's one of our greatest artists, and the matter has been settled everywhere but in the American justice system for long enough that the matter ought to be dropped.
He drugged and raped/sodomized a 13 year old. You don’t deserve to come back from that.
Jesus fuck I can’t believe I have to write that out.
(Not directed at you.)
Ah yes, "time served" by having to live in France is good enough.
He's in Switzerland, that's fairly harsh.
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