such a sad future for Canadians.
"folks, everything is on the table"
little critter. i had a video game of one of the books i used to play the shit out of as a kid.
poor melkor....he just wanted to be a evil shit.
Santa luigi prego per noi
sadly, i have heard these comments from people in my area. they of course are talking about Indian students. "they take up bus space, they take our jobs, they open their own restaurants, they don't follow Canadian values". a lot of hate spewing from these people.
i'm not turning it into a circlejerk. I am stating that the censorship on reddit has gone too far and also the community is not aligned with my interests. That's all there is too it.
or defragging a disk.
No, what happened?
depends what situation id get myself into. I'm fond of being alive currently.
And people will lap this up as a genuine Amazon worker. Disgusting.
apparently they were a femcel.