i'm not sure why you brought race into this, when there is multiple multigenerional multicultural people in this country. I don't think its a requirement that everyone has to have a child, but the way you are talking makes it sound like its a good thing our species wipes itself out. I get how you feel about CEOs and stuff, but i was just stating that why our birthrate was low, and what the goverment has done to fix that.
i stood in the middle of nuclear power plant and nothing happened. oh well.
little critter. i had a video game of one of the books i used to play the shit out of as a kid.
poor melkor....he just wanted to be a evil shit.
Its like health care, people complain to the PM, but its a provincial matter.
I wish we didn't have a housing crisis in Canada or id be more open to getting Americans out of there to live somewhere safer at the moment. I'm truly scared for you guys down there and I don't know what I can do to help.
sadly, i have heard these comments from people in my area. they of course are talking about Indian students. "they take up bus space, they take our jobs, they open their own restaurants, they don't follow Canadian values". a lot of hate spewing from these people.
I would do this, just give me a pack of smokes and drinks and ill cook ya whatever you want (and im not even american!)
depends what situation id get myself into. I'm fond of being alive currently.
im the one in the top left without the acne and glasses. fite me.