[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 1 points 2 minutes ago

I get the logic you put forth. Yet as someone who lives in a more diverse democracy (although it has been getting dangerously more polarized in the recent decades), I'm always baffled by this presumption that a candidate deserves someone's vote by default.

In this case, let's say there aren't any other parties on the ballot other than the Democrats and Republicans. In Michigan specifically you have a voter group, that says that they cannot vote for genocide especially if it is against their own families or people that look like them. And both parties are either promising the continuation thereof or have been engaged in it and have been excluding anything related to addressing it, or people representing that voter group, from their campaign. So the presumption, that if there wasn't a Green Party to vote for that they would be coming out to vote for the Democrats is imho just flawed. They might just as likely stay home.

What I find even more baffling is that this party can't seem to clearly outperform the even more clearly dangerous candidate to democracy. The Arabic or Muslim population in Michigan should not be this decisive for the outcome, if the Democrats were able to actually persuade voters to turn out by delivering an attractive policy plan, thereby earning the votes, instead of just arrogantly thinking, they're entitled to them.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 31 points 1 week ago

Many reasons. One major factor imho is the belief or illusion to be living in a meritocracy. Which would mean, that someone who's rich has to have earned it and therefore criticism must stem from envy or jealousy. The same belief fuels the ideology of thinking of poor people to just be lazy leeches on society.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 4 points 2 weeks ago

Diskussion gestartet: Am Anfang der ersten beiden Weltkriege, wussten die Menschen noch nicht, dass sie sich bereits im Weltkrieg befinden. Die These: Ihr Satz kommt zu spät.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 97 points 3 weeks ago

Never have I ever watched/read anything relating to Lord of the Rings.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 6 points 3 weeks ago

To be fair, business development wasn't the main hangup for many of the people I know. The two main reasons I heard (and partly raised myself), was firstly the detrimental effect on expanding solar- & wind-energy-production. And secondly overreaching, i.e. not limiting the protection to the environment, but also include townscape protection and historical sites, essentially further restraining residential development (including changing them into more dense usage) in a time where living space is scarce and expensive.

When the pro-side has its reservations, then of course it doesn't help that the executive (Federal Council) is dominated by pro-corporate ideology and have brought forward arguments of "damaging the business location". But making it out to be the only reason is just dishonest.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 7 points 3 weeks ago

I have mastered this technique to pro level. Now I fall asleep while sitting on the toilet. 🙃

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 5 points 1 month ago

It probably wasn't that powertrain in the car for FP1. Usually the new engine makes in the car by FP3 or even quali. Even on normal weekends without a new engine, and especially later in the season, teams would run an "FP1 engine" on Friday to minimize mileage on a different engine for the more demanding circuits.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 7 points 1 month ago

Ah ja, dies ist ein weiteres Kapitel des internationalen Rechts - insbesondere Menschenrechte - als Wahlbuffet. Man bedient sich wann und wo es gerade passt und lässt links liegen, worauf man gerade keine Lust hat. Nennt sich Rechtsstaat. \s

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Note, that in writing down this post, you haven't brought forth any objective argument to justify your skepticism. Your argument that because people have agendas, you should be skeptical could be ok if the goal is to get objective information, not form a reactionary opinions.

A strong scientific consensus over this topic is not the result of some political agenda but of the scientific method. One of the central parts of it, is that any claim must be falsifiable through experiment. When anyone comes with a claim, others will try to reproduce or falsify it. Depending on the results the claim is either rejected or used in further research. With vasts of experiments explaining the effect or verifying the effect to better explain what was previously known, a consensus is formed. Politicians are only involved when it comes to appropriating public funding for research. That doesn't corrupt the research itself, but hinders it if research can't be done. When industry funds it though, then it does degrade the research very often (see tobacco industry in the 1920s-1980s, the food industry until today, or oil&gas industry which have known about the effects for at least the 1970s through their own research and have not published it).

For some more factual things you can read up on:

That CO2 gets warmer when subjected to light is known since the 1850s when Eunice Foote did experiments with water vapor and CO2 and made this observation and roughly quantified it.

John Tyndall did incorporate this effect into a first, very rudimentary, climate model of the atmosphere in 1862. The global temperature projections of that model for 1950 aren't perfect, but still astonishingly precise.

Planck in 1900 formulated the Planck Postulate as part of his work concerning black body radiation. Quantization he thought of as a mathematical quirk. Einstein a few years later proposed that the energy of light or photons to be more precise is itself quantized. Einstein got his Nobel Prize in 1923 adopting this to not only explain the Plack Postulate (radiation) but also the photoelectric effect, i.e. that a molecule such as CO2 can absorb energy from the electromagnetic radiation interacting with it.

The scientific community was not convinced of the anthropogenic nature of the warming of the climate until in 1957 Roger Revelle and Hans Suess use the C14-method to show that the ratio of C-isotopes in the atmosphere is shifting towards those of fossil fuels. Since then more measurements have been done using this method to date things and reconstruct atmospheric composition (e.g. through ice-coring).

Since then technology such as satellites have improved the overall quality of measurements. And all of them show a clear tendency. With more computational power climate models have become more powerful and the projections are very good. The differences to measurements, when they happen are usually underestimating because the models are conservatively developed. You can refer to the IPCC reports which show you the data pretty clearly. If you want, then look at data from your local weather station, if it existed over 100 years ago, but even if only 50 years and you'll probably see a difference even locally. Do that for all stations in the world and you can see a clear trend.

These are only a fraction of topics which anybody can read up on to form an informed decision, rather than opposing something just because it is consensus.

edit: A word.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 8 points 1 month ago

no dispute there. The thing is, it wasn't advertised like that. It was advertised as: Here's this scientifically sound tool to measure your impact and judge what you can do. Which in and of itself wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't burying the lead.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 22 points 1 month ago

I'd add an overlapping step sponsored by BP in 2004: "Climate Change is real, and here's a calculator to show you, that we have nothing to do with it."

For the uninitiated: The Carbon Footprint Calculator was introduced by BP in 2004 as what can only be described as a successful attempt to shift attention and blame to the general public.

[-] AliSaket@mander.xyz 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Was in der Diskussion etwas verloren geht, ist diese Paralleljustiz namens "Schiedsgerichte", wodurch sich Konzerne versuchen aus der Verantwortung zu stehlen oder geltendes Recht auszuhebeln, um sich Vorteile zu verschaffen. Es sind eben diese, welche auch in Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA auch dem Rest der Welt aufgedrückt werden (Siehe dazu bspw. die Kontroverse um TTIP und CETA und das darin enthaltene Investitionschiedsverfahren).

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