On why three wrongs make a wrong? Duerte needs to pay and reparate in the Philippines, for life. Not get extracted by the ICC and fined why their jurisdictions. Everyone in the Philippines knows how terrible are the Marcos, and Bongbong is no different.
joined 1 month ago
Same supply and demand issue: how many Baybayin keyboards do you see in the making&circulation, virtual or physical? Thus the US&Spanish alphabet was forced.
What a joke. At that same price you can buy a Google Pixel preowned and retrofit the same.
BongBong Marcos.
ᜯᜤ ᜣᜥ ᜫᜤᜣᜫᜮᜲ, ᜰᜲ ᜪᜳᜥᜪᜳᜥ ᜫᜭcᜢᜰ ᜠᜬ ᜣᜰᜲᜥ ᜰᜫ, ᜣᜳᜥ ᜱᜲᜨᜧᜲ ᜫᜨ ᜫᜰ ᜫᜰᜱᜳᜮ ᜩ ᜣᜬ ᜧᜳᜡᜭᜦᜲ᜵
ᝏᝄ ᝃᝅ ᝋᝄᝃᝋᝎᝒ, ᝐᝒ ᝊᝓᝅᝊᝓᝅ ᝋᝍcᝂᝐ ᝀᝌ ᝃᝐᝒᝅ ᝐᝋ, ᝃᝓᝅ ᝑᝒᝈᝇᝒ ᝋᝈ ᝋᝐ ᝋᝐᝑᝓᝎ ᝉ ᝃᝌ ᝇᝓᝁᝍᝆᝒ᜵
- 'cause you're not seeking Tagalog content?
- because it's a small language, used by an extreme minority? More people use a language, more demand for translation. S&D⚖📉🪦
If not Thunderbolt 3+, aint wanna see it.
Yep, it's real.