That's them. Nasty sting indeed - my niece got hit the other day swimming at our local beach here on the West Coast (S.I.)
I love the mis-fretted note in Stairway to Heaven at 3:30. Can't unhear it and love that it's never been dubbed out in all the various remasters etc.
Paris would like a word...
Hard to say in specific terms. Generally, we've already seen changes to the Adventure Activities Act (after much debate and industry consultation) which will put a lot more emphasis on informed consent and risk disclosures for clients. There's also more emphasis on risks due to major natural events and having systems to identify and mitigate these.
Honestly, the chances to the Act have been pretty minimal, and I don't think this verdict changes that. What it does achieve is force the hand of shonky operators to come up to standard.
The real monster was the friends he made along the way
Audit went well yesterday - no non-conformances and only a couple of observations. Super happy. Today is all about chill and catch up on emails lol
Wow, had no idea idea our obesity rates were so high. That's horrific.
I'm a fan of DADGAD - has been well used, so easy to find reference chord shapes
It's a conspiracy by the Big Pipette cartel to sell more tips to labs.
Morning all. Spectacular day here on the West Coast - snow on the mountains, clear blue sky. Puts a smile on your face.
My kids love it, and are getting old enough to appreciate some of the more adult humour. So no, it's absolutely not "of its time". Definitely an unpopular opinion there to be sure!
Late night for me last night - LandSAR exercise, bringing a stretcher with a mock patient out from up a river. Out in the dark, lots of river crossings - great fun but a bit late for a school night! Zzzzz