"Democratic" is a relative term.
Will the Swiss drop neutrality like Ireland?
If he says the sky is blue it immediately becomes red to correct the aberration to the cosmos that is his word.
What election?
Putler would love it. He knows he can call on the seppos now.
Resist hysteria we have work to do.
They don't need to be drafted for Russia, they'll just be deployed alongside/on the western front.
Your account of censorship densities means very little to me. You are an enemy asset who doesn't realize that "ya'll" immediately makes me tune out the bulk of what you said. As in, I'm not even going to skim any more of it.
They don't need to be particularly smart, each to each, in order to both want to and be capable of annexing somewhere.
How quickly can that infrastructure be moved to Hungary?
They're not just not coming to the defence, they're mobilizing for war. It's very clear.
"Democratic" is a relative term.