He can’t answer the mods delete anything that goes against what they think.
I did not write that, I can’t answer as i will be deleted by mods, but i did not write anything like that at all.
And WOW mods really delete replies that don't condemn Isreal, worrying and totally unacceptable and untenable way to run this, how frivolous it is.
good luck with that.
Who want to be a part of that.
I solved it by not having kids, seriously best thing I done in my life so far.
Altid dumt at gøre noget ulovligt som man kan gøre sig skyldig i uden at vide det.
At huske om man har taget 1 tablet hver dag eller man missede en for 14 dage siden er tæt på umuligt at sige med 100% sikkerhed.
It just a nice way of saying we should distance from US.
A trick for politicians to talk about it trough media and countries without talking about US, like who else think this….
It would be Germany and France that would have to be the prime drive so is really for political persons there.
I’m from Denmark so really to small to do anything, but I think we would be ready to take quite a big step away from US towards Germany. The negative impact of the last few weeks are hard to explain but I think we lost trust in the US as a people not just a few persons.
Rigtigt god udvikling, går jeg ud fra ved ikke så meget om det reelt er bedre for miljøet når man tager fremstillingen og bilens levetid med i beregningen men det går jeg ud fra.
Men desværre er det stadig de lavthængende frugter vi plukker i forbindelse med miljøet/CO2 udledning, ting som ikke kræver noget af vores levestandard.
LoL. You can’t make this shit up.