It’s just voter suppression. Just like the reason every state doesn’t have mail in ballots or how Election Day isn’t a holiday or how we don’t have the technology to do vote online. It’s just voter suppression. Like we have technology to deposit checks instantly yet we can’t have a system to vote. It’s fucking sad and depressing. The US is a joke.
We can’t do that cause that’s sOcIaLiSm (sarcasm)
Valve allows a lot of games I’d question like the Kyle riddenhouse game or whatever that loser is that went across state borders to shoot people.
No one should give him anything. He makes poor decisions like buying Twitter and making it worse. Guys a fucking snake oil salesman. Full self driving is his snake oil.
Republicans are that stupid though so I can see some being real.
It’s the rage against the machine all over again. Shows how truly dumb people are. Like do they even listen to the lyrics?
The moon landing wouldn’t be up there in red states.
Texas trying to see how low the bar can go. They keep going lower. Need to vote these morons out of office.
100$ expansion probably going to throw another 100$ collectors edition with no game also. People need to just stop buying blizzard games at this point. They aren’t the same company and never will be. Get the nostalgia glasses off.
Not really a shocker for any Americans shooting at this point.
Reusable water bottle. It’s just something I always have on me and it’s great because I’m not wasting money on plastic with liquid in it.
Police don’t have to protect anyone. They are just a bunch of pigs on power trips.