I've been in the industry for over a decade and I find it fascinating how much lighting has changed in that time. When LEDs were first available, they were $60+ per bulb. Now you can get multipacks for under $10. Also, CFL bulbs were almost universally hated by everyone (and for good reason) now we no longer sell them. We strictly sell LEDs for regular lighting and we still sell incandescent specialty bulbs. Also, when LEDs first arrived there was a lot of distain for them, especially by the elderly. They wanted their energy wasting incandescent bulbs dammit! It seems the majority of them have come around because they've learned that LEDs are better.
A good argument for open source
Why are the opinions of some random CEO of a company that isn't even named even in this article? It is irrelevant and doesn't even make me want to read the article.
What if I'm already not using it?
I use Gboard because it just works. I would like to move to a FOSS keyboard but every one I've tried become frustrating to use.
More incentive to post low quality content
I just wiped Windows from my main PC the other day and put Linux Mint on there. Feels good man.
I'm just curious what the nsfw patch does
I remember when everyone was simping over her when she was cracking Hogwarts Legacy but no one cared once the crack was released.
I'm 36. I'm tired of everybody taking my money. I'm tired of corporations. I'm here to get away from that.
Corporate Greed
I think its 90% of users lurk, 9% comment, and only 1% create new posts. Or at least something like that