[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 9 points 5 hours ago

spread + AEW sounds like a great time OP I think its possible that your friends are not pro-level friends but maybe something else is amiss?

  • live in ohio
  • not good at video games
  • only know 4 girls, all have same name
  • the guys were all white dudes with beard + glasses, couldn't tell each other apart
  • invited mean guy

if not one of those try getting pro friends

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 7 points 10 hours ago

So it has been with all political carrots in the United States my entire adult life, regardless of who is in charge, which is why I don't believe in nations or electoralism anymore

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 3 points 12 hours ago

"One of the last frontiers of vehicle safety" If you're going to post this sort of stuff where people can see it, maybe you could cover it with Content Warnings and Propaganda tags?

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 5 points 22 hours ago

Those games are also excellent IIRC, especially Michael Keaton's acting in Batman for the Nintendo Entertainment System however that game is only loosely canon as it states on the game's Wikipedia.

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 3 points 22 hours ago

Okay, because you said I'm the best, I'll explain some more because you are right, there are some cases where your Mom gets you "Revenge of the Joker" or "Batman Forever" when you're a kid and maybe you don't immediately think back to Michael Keaton's excellent acting in things like Birdman and Batman Returns on Super Nintendo. Whatever, I'm not trying to judge your mom, how is she supposed to know in 199X which Batman games to get. But here's the thing, people used to complain all the time about how there weren't any Batman videogames where you actually feel like Batman until Arkham Asylum and I will tell you right now that is because they suck at videogames. You can actually do almost all of the stuff you see in the Tim Burton movie in this Konami videogame. For example, if you are good enough you can walk through the clown crowd and smash that one intimidating clown's head with concrete just like in the movie. Michael Keaton has the shortest reach of any person featured in the whole game, just like in the movie, even though about 65% of the game is about punching. Batman can blast through Gotham in the Batmobile and have to shoot boring, bullet-sponge enemies in a confusingly underbaked mandatory vehicle section which is both in the movie and a full 20 years earlier than Arkham Knight made that mistake. Most Lemmy videogamers though? They will never see that vehicle level because it is after Catwoman and the mid-game boss rush and they are poor videogame players, nobody is sure why. You could try and prove me wrong but I'm openly sure that you won't, because your prose is not that of a Fighting Game Tech-Understander Pro Gamer.


I have noticed that almost nobody on Lemmy is very good at video games, so I am throwing this glove toss to the ground as a challenge. Crush these Batman Returns on the Super Nintendo achievements (you will fail, being poor at videogames) and support the community around this game. If you are less bad at videogames and want to see "how it is done" I suggest this speedrun, but it won't help 99.76% of the gamers on Lemmy who don't even know what tech is, in beat-em-up/ fighting games they aren't aware of it. We'll watch as the so called proud "BATMAN" fans of "lemmy, a can't play videogame so good community" downvote and hate upon this Batman Returns themed achievement set, just because they don't respect Michael Keaton's acting on Super Nintendo.

It's honestly just Jokerfying (who isn't even in this game) that I am apparently in the only 100ish gamers who have any of the good Batman Achievements for this entire game.

Alfred isn't even in this game because he was deemed TOO LIKELY to be KILLED by an infinite punch cancel chain, which would have raised the game's rating to "T for Teenengarten" in Germany.

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

i don't have time for him beyond whether the last attempt on his life worked and promoting hate-fluff about him doesn't do anything about his breathing problem

i'd rather have my feed populated by better content

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world -4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

American Liberals: forced to vote for a neocon regime that is arming a genocide in order to avoid fascist crackdown at home

American Liberals: "It is so awesome how we're winning now"

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 83 points 1 week ago

Wikipedia is fine, it isn't "losing prominence." This is willful misinterpretation of a speech to make it sound more dire, a nonsense AI propaganda angle, and a bunch of ageist nonsense about Gen-Z that will be immediately familiar to anyone who pays attention to this kind of slop.

Please post better articles

[-] CondensedPossum@lemmy.world 71 points 3 weeks ago

The reason your someone might have thought this was a stupid question is because

  • there is no evidence that AGI is imminent or even possible
  • current tech labeled as AI is really limited in very boring ways, like LLMs

If some thing gets sold as an AGI, it will be a Mechanical Turk, As in, it will be a magic trick that actually uses human laborers like Amazon's "AI Store" where you just walk out with your purchases. "If it works, it's mechanical turks."

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