They aren't complete messages we are doing for each other. Typically they're parts of messages, and then we try to work around those.
Let's say you asked someone "is this your car" and they responded "I acquired it for the time due to urgency, yes". Then a week later you ask them for a ride, and they respond that it was a rental vehicle and that they don't have it anymore. Are you going to take it out on them?
Someone showed me that the art was traded. It wasn't stolen.
Unless you mean "air parentheses" which is often what that means, without them, "nested nested parentheses" would be impossible.
I just mentioned you as an example of something. Dragging you into the conflict itself was not my intention.
Well shit.
hides in corner
All the instances I've been on have freely accessibly modlogs. If you don't have access to modlogs somewhere on your instance's home page, ~~your mods have abandoned you~~ you have been cheated.
That's what I was just saying.
Unreadability is a circumstance. Nobody owns that. It can describe several of us. And yet it's not all that objective.
Here is my answer to the question: I learned that my city tried to fine NASA for property damage caused by a rocket in the 90's.
This doesn't have to be revealing, you know. Hence the "obscure" part.
What is that?