[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 15 points 2 months ago

While not strictly required

Technically true, but verbiage leads me to believe its more required than not.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 27 points 2 months ago

You are correct, but the topic is applying as an admin, so I replied to the topic.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 54 points 2 months ago

Aye it's the humanity problem.

Surrounding yourself with people that believe nonsense only reinforces the idea; it really plays into our necessity of "group".

Gotta give props to the guy for getting out of the cycle.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 63 points 2 months ago

I'd be happy to apply, but requiring a CV and full background check in addition to a video call interview is a bit steep for me.

Just the video call I'd absolutely be applying, I genuinely believe in Lemmy and want to see it succeed, but not to the point that I'm willing to put this much information into non-employment hands.

Good luck on the search.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 19 points 4 months ago

EVERY entry in the MGS series from ps1 onward in its entirety (minus Survive) is one of those "if only I could play it for then first time again" games.

Have you ever played them or is this your first time through the series?


Hello everyone!

I've had a homelab up for quite a while and would like to expand on that. I'm a major media person and I'm really wanting to put up a website that I can post movie reviews on.

It'll be public, but really it's only for my family/friends connected to my plex server. I'm constantly getting asked for recommendations and would like a centralized place they can look, and I can look back on upon a rewatch.

I'd really like to stay away from WordPress if at all possible - every time I've ever used WP, it always seems extremely slow after plug-ins are added and that's really the only "template" I've seen.

Also, can you pull watch history from plex and display on a site? I've looked quite a bit for the movie Review page but haven't really looked at the plex api. Really looking to pull watch history based on library/genre.

Currently set up with nginx proxy manager.

Thanks folks

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 12 points 6 months ago

Skipped? Elaborate lol.

Internet culture moves so fast there's an ungodly amount of things that's happened.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 30 points 6 months ago

Spreading democracy for the glory of Super Earth!

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 23 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Hi. System Admin millennial here.

You would think that's the case, but in my experience it's not.

Millenials were around during a major shift/evolution in general home computer use, so we're much closer to understanding the "flow" of tech, even if it's older. Gen-Z tries to think in smartphone or tablet mode.

Younger Gen-Z are the same as a blue collar boomer: when the company I work for hires a Gen-Z employee, I spend a ton of time with them the first few weeks "fixing" their "broken" machines. Most of the Millenials that are hired can do the general troubleshooting themselves.

I will agree with the music bit though.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 18 points 10 months ago

Hello fellow admin.

Feel the same way. The most secure network is only as secure as its dumbest user.

Sadly we're still a couple hundred years off of that being less of a concern :/.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 36 points 1 year ago

I seen a guraffe at the zoo!

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 35 points 1 year ago

God dammit. I haven't been diagnosed but literally every single post to the letter sounds like me.

I REALLY need to get medicated.

[-] Cyanogenmon@lemmy.world 66 points 1 year ago

Current e-cig user here.

Honestly, as a smoker, it's a godsend. The smoke goes away so quickly, it has higher nicotine than cigarettes when purchased the RIGHT way, and since I can now smoke inside, I can puff on it all day every day as I work from home!

In all seriousness, it's worse imo. It sets the precedent from the 50s of smoking EVERYWHERE and now without any of the negative outward effects like smell or yellowing of the teeth/walls.

It's honestly made my addiction worse. To each their own for sure, but in my experience it just made my bad habit SLIGHTLY healthier, but much more accessible.

It requires a significant amount of willpower to break the addiction, but for those of us that do not, definitely do not pick this up. It will not help. If you have that willpower, it is useful.

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