Agaricus arvensis or campestris. I can never tell horse and field mushrooms apart, but no yellow staining and a pleasant mushroom and mild anise smell. I found several rings. Unfortunately, the maggots beat me to most of them.
Also found a fair few meadow puffballs (Lycoperdon pratense) that had unfortunately just started to spore, and some parrot waxcaps (Gliophorus psittacinus) which, whilst edible, are far too small and slimy to bother with.
I did also find either a rather beautiful pure bright white amanita. Either a Destroying angel (Amanita virosa) or white dapperling (Leucoagaricus leucothites), im not knowledgeable enough to tell. Whilst fun to find, it's definitely not one I brought home.
Since they belong to the super family musteloidea, Wash Weasel seems more accurate. Definitely still closer to bears than rodents though.