Sure, that's great but it's not even the point. Fundamental research and other type of "useless" scientific endeavors help humanity as a whole to better understand our universe but would never be privately funded because they don't have any concrete and immediate financial benefits. This is precisely what a government should finance, because no one else would do it and yet it's small stuff like that that make us collectively move forward as a species
For those who don't know, french gendarmes are part of the military. Those Israeli policemen just assaulted a French soldier on French soil which, you know, is usually a pretty big diplomatic no-no
I hate the subscription model so much
You created this post in order to give yourself an alibi when someone notices this game appears in your "Last games played", didn't you?
If that is supposed to be your ultimate proof that horseshoe theory is real, you might have some more convincing to do
It doesn't even work like that: only the "extra" revenue above 400k would be subject to the 90% tax, everything below that would still be subject to standard tax rates
Unless, hear me out, god is a golden retriever and needs to be reminded how much of a good boy He is
Selling only DRM-free games has always be GOG's whole thing (well, that and selling oldies compatible with modern OS), it's weird that this meme specifically would be considered "aknowledging piracy"
As a European living in a big city I never quite understood just how huge these things are until I finally saw one stuck in traffic in a tiny Parisian street. These things are massive!
From context, Behind The Scenes I guess
It depends a lot on what you actually mean by socialism and communism because these words can have very different meanings to different people and ideology.
As a very broad baseline, socialism is the socialization of the means of production, as opposed to the current privatization of those means. Now there are a lot of ways this could be done, and thus a lot of ways to define socialism. Some socialists want a strong State that can enforce strict rules of ownership, others want no State at all and a free cooperation between individuals, with a lot of variations in between. An anarchist, a communist, a social-democrat would all consider themselves socialists, even when they actually have very distinct ideologies.
Now communism, at least in its most recognizable form, is basically the end state of socialism in the Marxist ideology specifically. It designates a stateless, classless society in which each person contributes according to their ability and receives according to their needs. It's basically the end goal theorized by Marx that has never been achieved yet in History.
Ou alors les électeurs sont plus volatiles que tu sembles le penser, ne votent pas nécessairement dans leur propre intérêt ni selon leurs idéaux, ne sont pas aussi informés qu'ils pourraient l'être, sont victimes d'un système qui joue sur des biais cognitifs pour leur faire croire que les centristes sont forcément raisonnables parce qu'ils sont au milieu, se font matraquer par un système médiatique qui suit des agendas différents du bien commun, etc.
Idem pour les partis centristes d'ailleurs. Y'a forcément une part de cynisme dans le fait de systématiquement courtiser les électeurs de droite en droitisant leur discours d'année en année tout en qualifiant tout ce qui est vaguement a leur gauche d'extrémistes ou de radicaux, quitte à renforcer la droite, mais je pense pas que ça soit le cas de la majorité d'entre eux qui pensent probablement sincèrement être simplement "raisonnables" et ne faire que suivre un mouvement de fond qui se fera avec ou sans eux. Malheureusement le résultat est le même peu importe l'intention : les positions de droite voire d'extrême-droite sont normalisées au fur et à mesure qu'elles sont adoptées par des gens qui ont une image de "raisonnables modérés", et la fenêtre d'Overton se décale.