The EU started to heavily regulate some PFAS in 2010, others following on the heels. The regulations include a heavy focus on handling and waste management in order to minimize the potential of exposure and contamination. The plan to get rid of PFAS entirely has been around ever since. So yeah, they've known it's horrible.
My partner is convinced he doesn't like mushrooms. If only he knew that most of his favorite dishes are full of finely grated ones.
"I can change him!" - me justifying getting together with my nonvegan manchild, 2015 (we're getting divorced now)
Dieser Witz geht auf dich, ich sage nämlich Oregano
Farming basically invented work and employment. They should have realized something was not right about that back then.
Letztens auf der Milchpackung bei der Arbeit: "Für mehr Tierwohl!!!" Haltungsstufe 2. Alles klar.
Everyone is like "Yeah I know it's bad." But they still actively refuse to acknowledge just how bad it really is.
A person creeping around? That's just Paul, mate. You know Paul, he's been living in the attic for years. Stupid human, doesn't even recognize it's own flatmates.
Ouch why is this so real
Tote Kühe brauchen keine kosmische Energie mehr. Schätze ich zumindest.
Weißt du was? Ich werd's jetzt sagen: Leute, die pauschal sagen, deutsche Musik sei schlecht, haben keine Ahnung.
Never understood how me eating stuff was supposed to help children in Africa