So you're saying every company should be owned by a single person? If two people want to start a company, it should only belong to one person? That doesnt sound right to me...
True. After 10 I decided I had enough and rebooted.
Eine billige Kopie von Toblerone die es bei Aldi gibt (Aldirone)
Einfach reich sein
Btw when you are unconcious you are by definition not concious, the same counts for when you are dead. The soul is a religious thing and there is the possibility that ir doesnt exist. This would have answered your question perfectly withojt concidering any problems related to conciousness and AI
Das ist nicht korrekt, es handelt sich im Titel um EIN Textsymbol (bestehend aus mehreren Textzeichen). Irrtümlicherweise hattest du angenommen, "Textsymbol" sei ein Synonym für "Textzeichen"; dem ist nicht so.
Name one country thats not in America that uses mm/dd/yyyy.
Sie verbrauchen mehr Energie. (Und wir können nicht alles mit grünen Strom abdecken).
In Germany, we have:
"To not have all mugs in the cupboard anymore" ("Nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben") which translates to doing something incredibly stupid/crazy
"To search yourself a wolf" ("sich einen Wolf suchen) which means to search for something extensively and in the end unsuccesfully.
"To add one additional tooth" ("einen Zahn zulegen"), meaning to hurry, to do something faster.
"To defeat your inner pigdog" ("seinen inneren Schweinehund besiegen" - to get over one's lazyness, to stop procrastinating
50£ per year? Ill hire you lmao
Bill Gates. (Has donated money to charity and founded one himself).
(Which is correct so there's nothing wrong with that)