He's nervous. But on the surface he looks calm and ready to retry.
Raspbian was renamed to Raspberry Pi OS, its the same distro so it doesnt count
Einfach reich sein
TatsĂ€chlich lĂ€sst die Bahn manchmal kleinere Stationen ausfallen wenn es zu viel VerspĂ€tung gibt (denn erstens werden ausgefallene Stopps nicht in die Statistik fĂŒr VerspĂ€tungen aufgenommen und zweitens können dadjrch andere Stopps wieder pĂŒnktlich erreicht werden).
You can do what you like but you asked me how to get people working for you so I made a proposal.
Do you actually have a point or are you just being ridiculous because you have no arguments?
So then, why is their official goal to destroy Israel? Thats 100% a religious war
Wdym with coastal?
In Germany, we have:
"To not have all mugs in the cupboard anymore" ("Nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben") which translates to doing something incredibly stupid/crazy
"To search yourself a wolf" ("sich einen Wolf suchen) which means to search for something extensively and in the end unsuccesfully.
"To add one additional tooth" ("einen Zahn zulegen"), meaning to hurry, to do something faster.
"To defeat your inner pigdog" ("seinen inneren Schweinehund besiegen" - to get over one's lazyness, to stop procrastinating
Bill Gates. (Has donated money to charity and founded one himself).
Why not just use the generic plural form (BĂŒrger) as people always have? It has always been used for mixed groups so why shouldnt it continue to? And sometimes it doesnt even work (eg. for "Bauer". The plurals would be "Bauern" and "BĂ€uerinnen".
Der Mantel wurde freiwillig geteilt. Darum geht es doch. Warum sollten wir ihn zwingen, den Mantel zu teilen?