Looks really great. What does the tabletop gameplay entail?
I think if you attempt to create left wing militia's they will be thoroughly infiltrated with cops. In order to keep an eye on liberal environmental groups, whose most threatening action to law and order was chaining themselves to a tree, the UK government was willing to pay multiple cops endless overtime for years to infiltrate and ingratiate themselves.
Team sports are a better way to produce fit agile people that can handle themselves and work in a group. Hurling for instance would help train you to fight with a stick. Rugby: fitness, strength and coordinated group action that would be useful for protests that devolve into a riot. Football is probably the easiest to organise: helps cardio, awareness and coordination. Golf: can help you become a self absorbed prick. These skills (apart from golf's) can be easily modified into more clandestine talents in little time. That base of fitness, agility, awareness and comradery becomes a swiss army knife. Mostimportantly, there's nothing at all suspicious about organising it.
Protomolecule-hybrid confirmed!
Why would anyone agree to allow Starmer (the human rights lawyer that downplays and facilitates genocide for political expediency) to further immiserate public services so as to build up military capacity.
How can we possibly trust that military capacity would not be used to brutalise yet more innocent poor people abroad.
That is true. Though the process was drawn out over centuries and was generally run as cheaply as possible.
Why expend a fortune completely pacifying a country when you can put in settlers and let them steal and murder their way to supremacy.