
joined 1 year ago
[–] GekkoState 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You think switching your number is less complex than using call screen?

That would literally involve changing your number with most major web services you use including your bank BEFORE you get rid of your old number. Better hopr you don't forget one because your not gonna get that sms verification code to log back in.

[–] GekkoState 37 points 1 year ago

Did you read the article?

  1. Epic is not trying to get their 3rd party app in apples app store.
  2. Epic can't create a 3rd party app store because Apple revoked their developer license. This means any app epic creates can't be sideloaded because it will never be signed by apple.
  3. Apples new rules require any 3rd party app store to pay apple $0.50 per install (there is no million app install requirement for 3rd party app stores). So apple would still make money off epics app store if they allowed it.
[–] GekkoState 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I stopped going to movies after covid, but i was at one movie whereca fight broke out in that exact scinario. A group showed up right as the previews were ending to find other people had taken their seats. Its escalated where the girls were physically fighting and the manager had to break them up.

AMC restarted the movie and gave everyone a free ticket to another movie after this 2 girls were escorted out.

[–] GekkoState 9 points 1 year ago

OR... if you can keep the wheels spinning really fast, you could "drift" the trolly, keeping a set of wheels on each track and kill everyone on both tracks into infinity.

[–] GekkoState 1 points 1 year ago

The Pokémon website account.

[–] GekkoState 3 points 1 year ago

The same way you trigger text selection or screenshot. Just swipe up and hold, and it would be the 3rd option to the other 2.

[–] GekkoState 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

When did they disable redeeming codes in the app? I can't redeem because I don't login with Facebook, Apple, or Niantic kids, and those are the only choices.

[–] GekkoState 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Tech sites have said that Mozilla probably has their native version already done so it's ready day 1.

But these new rules by apple might put a damper on them actually offering it. Mozilla is a non profit, and apple is going to require a $0.50 tax on every app "for each first annual install per year over a 1 million threshold".

I just don't see how how Mozilla could carry that cost considering they are at over 100 million installs on Android alone.

[–] GekkoState 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Why is GPU encoding worse than CPU encoding?

[–] GekkoState 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Um no, the FBI used software developed by an Israel based company to hack into it. This is well documented. Isreal has been creating and selling iPhone hacking software to nation states for years. They also sold out to the Saudi's who used to it to track and kill the American resident Jamal Khashoggi.

[–] GekkoState 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I can't belive someone else mentioned this!

This is by far not my favorite game, but one that distinctly remember. I didn't have any video game systems before I was 10, so my uncle let me borrow his. I played this sooo much before I had to give it back.

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