
joined 7 months ago

Took me a while. I took a decent sized break before finishing my final LR achievement (500 battles)- which actually unded up popping relatively quick. XIII was probably the most difficult and lengthy, with the hunts and treasure hunter.

Still not my favorite games in the series, but I do still like them a lot.

[–] 6 points 6 months ago

For creatine, any time. You just take it every day, and it builds uo to a consistent level in your body over a few weeks. Though you can start out with a loading dose of 20g daily, for a week, to build up your levels faster, and then go down to the 5g dailybdose.

Preworkout, yea, right before the workout.

Protein intake is a bit more complicated. The most important thing is just making sure you get enough dueing the day. 1.4-2g/kg. Most people will have a protein shake right after training. If you really want to get complicated, you can make sure your consuming protein every 4 hours, and I believe casein protein right before bed. And makong sure your consuming the highest quality peotein, etc. But you don't need to think about that. That's elite athletic level stuff. Just get enough daily protein, and get some right after your workouts.